Lack of motivation happens to all of us at some point. We procrastinate, get stuck in a rut, drag out feet and say we will start tomorrow. Here are a few gems of knowledge to help you get off your bum and on your feet.
1.Forgive yourself for not getting on it sooner. There’s no point in faulting yourself, just acknowledge you weren’t ready and be ok with that.
2. Take responsibility for exactly where you are in life, right now. This very minute. This is YOUR life. No one else is responsible for it but YOU. You are an adult (I’m assuming). You are a smart, creative, and resourceful individual. Own it. Know it. Be it. Stop blaming or making excuses about the economy, your kids, spouse, parents, job, etc. When you own your life, you own your power. And darling, YOU ARE POWERFUL.
3. Ask for help. From people, places, organizations, God, The Universe, anywhere. Just ask for it. How can I receive ____? How can this get even better? Whatever you need, ask it out loud. And wait for it. It will show up, so go on with your bad self!
4. Get visual. Vision boards are explosions of motivation and inspiration for the mind. Get crafty and have fun with it. Sounds cheesy, I know. But think about it, the advertising and marketing worlds are multi-billion dollar industries for a reason. Planting a visual in your mind over and over, like seeing a vision board multiple times a day, will help your subconscious mind to manifest your vision. I don’t even know why you are still reading this. Stop. Now. Go make one. Go on… do it. I dare you.
5. Get listy. Fall in love with making lists. Making them, crossing them off, completing them, throwing them away. Make a list, anywhere. On special paper, junk mail, post-its, your refrigerator, or smart phone. Just do it. Plus, when you write it down, you are that much more likely to make it happen. My favorite part about list making is forgetting I made one, then finding it and realizing I’ve already completed it. It’s like magic.
6. Take action. Goals (which are just dreams with deadlines), often have lots of little and big steps to make them happen. From making your to-do list to signing a major contract, and everything in between. Each step brings you that much closer to your achieving your goal.
7. Make mistakes. Go ahead – make ‘em! Give yourself permission to screw up. It’s ok, we all do. Just learn from them and move on.
8. Re-invent. Assess your progress. What’s working and what isn’t? It’s like that old adage of throwing spaghetti to the wall and seeing what sticks. Reinvent yourself, your goal, your approach, and do it often. Have fun with it and follow your heart – where it wants to go is a strong indication that is where you should be.
9. Appreciate. Appreciate your effort, your progress, your setbacks ( I know, it sounds counter-intuitive). Appreciate the help and support you receive; the lessons you learn. Most importantly, appreciate yourself for being the awesome, path-walking human that you are.
10. Stop, breathe, and get out to play. Children are, in my opinion, our best teachers for being in the moment and having fun. Don’t believe me? Hang out with one for an afternoon, you will be amazed at their creativity, imagination, and ability to be nowhere else but exactly where they are in that moment. They just play. Try it. You might just find you show up better in your responsibilities when you invest in quality play-time.
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