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An intimate interview with Erika

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Hw2VkPQ98Eg]   My interview with Conscious Evolution Media Networks and Law of Attraction Coach, Sharon Ballantine on healing, my history, and some conscious food for thought. Enjoy…

Erika Renea, Life Coach


In coaching, symbolic anchors are often used as a tool for clients to use during moments of weakness or struggle.  Popularly used in NLP, they are specific movements like squeezing your fist or touching a ring on your finger. These “anchors” are created with positive, confident and powerful feelings so that every time you refer back to that …

Welcome WordPress World – my first bloggy blog!

HELLO THERE… I am currently re-building my website, so thank you in advance for visiting and please wish be luck during this process; there’s so much to consider.  I’m looking forward to the opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas with the world.  As a life and wellness coach, I will use this site to …