Dare to dream - Erika Renea Larsen

Dare to dream

Highly functioning successful people do not dwell on what they don’t want in their lives.  This is no coincidence.  Focusing on what your desires are and utilizing the power of your imagination is your greatest gift for manifesting what you want in life.  Especially in today’s society, it is dangerously easy to allow our minds to limit our dreams and desires by buying into the negativity around us.  The news, radio, internet, community, work place, even friends and family are sometimes an easy source of woes in the world.  This is problematic, because the last thing our world needs is more negative energy dwelling on what isn’t working.  It is up to you to choose to focus your thoughts and imagination on what you want, as opposed to what you don’t want.  The Universe, a divinely guided doing machine, it expertly aligns with our thoughts and feelings making them our reality.

Take a moment, or a day to focus on one thing you really want this month or this year. Are your thoughts and feelings around this one thing filled with happiness, possibility, wonder, determination and opportunity, or are your thoughts full of worry, anxiety, frustration, and impatience? Your answer may surprise you.  It is much easier to allow our minds to misuse our imagination, defaulting on our fears or what is not possible.

Our imagination is our most powerful source of creativity.  I like to think 5 year olds are some of the smartest people I know.  There is no boundary to their imagination, and thus they are experts at creating wonder-filled adventures in their big-little worlds.  I have made it my mission this year to quiet my fearful mind and be more like a 5-year-old.  By choosing to go beyond the negative fearful thoughts, I can replace them with positive thoughts of possibility, opening up my world to possibility.  Replacing the negative thoughts brings your imagination out of the “I can’t” and into the “I can.”  This may feel like a tennis match between your negative and positive thoughts in the beginning, but like any unhealthy habit, baby steps and persistence will eventually pay off, in bigger ways than you could ever imagine.

Have fun with this and let your inner 5-year-old out to play!

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