As a coach + hypnotherapist, I help people heal and more forward. But what happens when life grabs me by the horns and challenges all my thoughts, beliefs, and training… let alone my patience? How do I keep myself from getting caught up in the drama swirling around me? The answer is, sometimes I don’t. Furthermore, what’s my part in creating said drama? Yikes, if I’m being honest, sometimes that’s a loaded question.
When change is scary, transitions hard, and emotions high; keeping my balance can seem fleeting if not downright impossible. I don’t have it all figured out, and most of us never will. But, what keeps me going is:
A. Remembering to be grateful.
B. Meditating whenever possible. (even if it means just listening to affirmations in the car – which seems to make traffic much more bearable. – as if you need reminding, don’t ever meditate while driving. That would be bad.)
C. Praying always. (I mean really, is any problem to big for God, The Universe or whatever sounds yummy to you?)
D. And, finally, poc-poding* the shit out of any negative story I find myself telling about who, what, when, where, why, and how.
Because frankly, problems are only as big as I make them. Life is happening NOW, and that is beautiful.
*Poc-pod is a clearing acronym many healers use to release stuck energy and ideas.
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