BLOG - Page 9 of 10 - Erika Renea Larsen

Forgiveness, A Selfish Act?

When I ask my clients how they feel about forgiveness, I get a variety of responses:  I could never forgive that person, if I forgive him/her it gives them a pass, what they did was wrong and does not deserve forgiveness, I’m not ready to forgive, I just can’t let it go, etc.  When I ask if forgiveness is …

Dare to dream

Highly functioning successful people do not dwell on what they don’t want in their lives.  This is no coincidence.  Focusing on what your desires are and utilizing the power of your imagination is your greatest gift for manifesting what you want in life.  Especially in today’s society, it is dangerously easy to allow our minds …

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaches are popping up everywhere. Just last night I tuned into Oprah’s Lifeclass on the OWN network, and Master Life Coach Tony Robbins was the guest speaker.  While Life Coaches are quite prevalent in areas like Arizona, California, Europe and Australia, it is still a profession that is widely unknown throughout most of the …

Are positive people really on to something?

Ever notice how some people just have it good? Maybe you’re one of these “got it good” people.  If not, chances are you’ve encountered the people of whom I speak.  Life just seems to come easy to certain people…like positive things happen to positive people, and negative things happen to negative people.  Well, this isn’t …